Grilled Filet. Perfectly done imo

by Chaz_Beer


  1. Very nice, filet isn’t my favorite but this looks awesome.

  2. I would things to your steak that would land me in prison

  3. northwest333

    What was your process? Might be the greatest looking steak I’ve seen.

  4. Human_League6449

    IMO I would be stoked to put that steak inside of me. I haven’t had a fillet in a minute looks so tender.

  5. nomadschomad

    Grilling a filet this well is no small feat

  6. EternalCrown

    Tell us your ways, wise panzer of the lake. (how’d you do it?)

  7. Flood_The_Cave

    Sous vide is for soy boys, real steak comes off the grill (joking kinda)

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