Last Christmas I had just bought myself a tub, and I got gifted two more tubs. Not complaining…but I need to use this up before it goes bad so this is my grate seasoning tub. Very unique problem to have lol.

by flibbleflop


  1. Yes many time yes, just use a veggie oil soaked paper towel. Does what needs to be done and doesn’t cost $$$$. Just being pretentious with this!

  2. therealNaj

    Or just some PAM butter spray? Or clean after each use still hot? This is …. Pointless

  3. HanshinFan

    If you gotta use up it then do what you must without judgement, but yeah, this is overkill lol

  4. No_Refrigerator_1632

    Guga melted tubs of that stuff and used it as deep frying oil

  5. 905cougarhunter

    freeze it you goof.
    crisco works fine

  6. cheeters

    Isn’t the allure of wagyu the distribution of fear within the meat? If you just isolate the fat, it’s just pasture raised beef fat. Kinda like how if you grind it into a burger, it’s basically the same thing as a burger with similar fat percentage… that’s just what I’ve heard

  7. Dandeman321

    Is there even a flavor difference between wagyu beef tallow and regular beef tallow? Fat is fat, right?

  8. merciless4

    I would take the tallow and put in ice cube trays and freeze it. That way you don’t have to worry about the freezing and thawing cycle which is not good for any food. The quality of tallow will be good for several years when properly frozen.

  9. OhFFSeverythingtaken


    Just cook something and use the wagyu fat instead of butter or oil, like tortillas, buns, flat bread. Anything other than wasting it on greasing grill grates.

    Or just throw it in a pot and confit some beef in it.

  10. husky1actual

    That’s a great skincare item. Put in a nice layer right out of the shower to lock in moisture.

  11. GetinBebo

    “With wagyu”. What does that even mean? That is just beef tallow.

    The entire point of wagyu is that it is exceptionally well-marbled meat from well-raised cows. The moment you grind it, separate it, or do anything of that nature to it – you’re defeating the purpose. More importantly, you’re getting scammed.

    Ever since the term “wagyu” made it to America (spoiler, most of it is not actually real wagyu), a flood of companies have begun preying on the unknowing average American by throwing the word on everything, even (ESPECIALLY) when it doesn’t make sense. Because for some reason, no one bothers to actually understand what they’re buying or question the insane price tag. It is one of the greatest scams to hit grocery store shelves in decades.

    So yes, definitely overkill.

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