He’s asking for any recommendations to improve 😄

by ConsciousAd3109


  1. Fun-Shame399

    He did a pretty good job! I’m no pro, but I would say on some of the scalloped boarder you can see where he applied uneven pressure to the piping bag so it either flattened the patterned or the size of the line isn’t even, but that kind of thing comes with practice. This is beautiful for a first attempt!

  2. DanceDelight

    That’s pretty good, I don’t think I can do it close as decent to this for the first time.. good job to him! <3

  3. Icy_Gap_9067

    It’s really charming, I would be so pleased if this was my first attempt.

  4. carmen_cygni

    That’s impressive! I bet he’ll get better each time. Tell him to bake more for practice!

  5. danamarie222

    Wow! That’s incredible for a first attempt! You must be so proud!

  6. VoxInkling

    So beautiful!! Sorry I’m not a baker I don’t have any tips. Just keep decorating cakes I guess 🙂

  7. Last_Friend_6350

    It’s so pretty! There’s a career in cake decorating waiting for him

  8. Mystic9310

    I’d be super happy to receive such a cake!

  9. Careless_Sky_9834

    That’s really impressive! Do you decorate cakes? (I’m wondering if your husband learned by osmosis over the years!)

  10. HappyMeteor005

    I’ve done countless cakes and come nowhere near that. yall need to open a bakery.

  11. AmbassadorSad1157

    Pretty good for a first time. I don’t bake or decorate but practice makes perfect. I applaud his effort and willingness to improve.

  12. Unusual_Document5301

    The man is either a genius or this post is lying 👀

  13. Legitimate-Double-14

    What a dear Man to bake such a beautiful cake first try! He needs to keep it up. 👑😀🌷🌷🌷

  14. Relevant_Clerk7449

    First? The guy is missing out on his calling. Well done!

  15. FluffySpaceWaffle

    I misread the title as “My first husband’s attempt…” Like you are leaving him to find a pro decorator.

    For a first try this is AMAZING! Practice is the way to get better. You can practice on parchment paper. Then scoop the frosting back up and practice again.

  16. Tired-CottonCandy

    First ever? How is it so pretty (My first ever slowly slid off the cake? Never figured out why)

  17. LtTawnyMadison

    Damn… A bit more practice and he’ll be ready to open a bakery!

  18. LaurenLace0629

    That’s impressive! Great job!

  19. Looks like he has a natural talent, very nice!

  20. Competitive_Cut_8746

    He’s a bona-fide under cover baker. That’s too pretty for it to be his first try at it.

  21. Tori65216

    It looks like a mini wedding cake 🎂

  22. Fine_Blueberry_7420

    New career unlocked 🔓

  23. Hazerdesly

    He must have been decorating cakes in secret all this time; this is incredible.

  24. gwhite81218

    He did a phenomenal job!

    Since he’s asking for feedback, the only thing I think that’s holding his cake back a little is the platter presentation. If he got a reusable cake board or even those packs of metallic cardboard cake boards, this would be *chef’s kiss* 🤌

  25. JojoStanz

    That’s beautiful!

    Can he do it again with black n blue? (I am challenging your husband)

  26. buffythethreadslayer

    He did a really lovely job!!!

  27. softshoulder313

    54 and I’ve never had a cake look this good. 😭 Lol

  28. GlitteringOne868

    High five! That is amazing!

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