I baked these for my birthday. The Drosophila cake pops were from last year and the cookie cells this year (I posted them last week).

Well, one of them won me a prize at an international conference!

by PatientWillow4


  1. poppingtogether


    i’m so curious about which of the one it is.

  2. SwissyRescue

    First thought was that they are cicadas. Very cool.

  3. First prize in a baking competition at the conference? Or like the bake was your scientific achievement? Either way congrats!

  4. aleksifly

    Oh my god the cells are super cute!! Im afraid of insects tho. BAAAAH GUSHING OVER THE CELL ONES

  5. CatBerry253

    What conference has a baking competition? Because I go to scientific conferences all the time and I have not seen this yet. I need to go where you are going!

  6. Curious_Koala_312

    Congratulations on winning the first prize!

  7. EastTyne1191

    As a person who teaches science and loves baking, I am incredibly curious as to what this conference is!

    Also, your cell cakes look delicious! I do a snacktivity where my students make an edible cell model and it’s a win every time.

  8. TheLarix

    How fun, I’ve never been to a conference that has this type of competition!

  9. Foxy_locksy1704

    When I worked at a police department we had a bake sale fundraiser every year and donated the proceeds to one of the local domestic violence shelters. I always made cupcakes and they sold out fast, coworkers started asking me to make them for pot lucks and staff meetings.

    It’s always nice when your professional colleagues recognize your talents outside of work settings.

    I love the little bee cakes and the cell cookies are so perfect for a scientific conference. I love the idea and the detail in the decoration.

    Congratulations on your win whichever piece it was that won it is absolutely deserved!

  10. Iklepink

    Oh my god the drosophila! They’re the only thing I don’t miss during my break from science, the smell of the fly room.

    Your bakes on the other hand look delicious.

  11. shuffling_crabwise

    I like the cells but the little *Drosphila* really made me smile. I think it’s the little stripes?

  12. Fun-Shame399

    You taught them the most important lesson of their lives: the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

  13. Butter_Bug

    Oh my gosh! Is that a cicada? How would one get their hands on this?? I have a bug loving 5 year old that would lose his little mind lol


  14. ArethWanderer

    Awesome work! I immediately started trying to determine the sex of the fruitflies

  15. thrashglam

    the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cookie.

  16. qu33fwellington


  17. withbellson

    Everyone’s out here talking about the mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell, but I’ve always had a soft spot for the Golgi apparatus.

  18. Love the that some have curly wings. Nice job.

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