First chicken pot pie… my boyfriend said chicken pot pie was one of his favorites, and I am the type to make things from scratch. As an Asian, who majority of the time, cook Asian food… this was by far the most intimidating non Asian food I’ve cooked 😮‍💨

by Bubbly_sunflowerrrr


  1. xinfinitexsoulx

    looks so good! i’ve never made one but have been wanting to!! what recipe did you use pleaseee?

  2. 4food_is_love

    Great job! Looks awesome. Now, I’m craving some chicken pot pie.

  3. Ok_Wasabi_9512

    My southern Mom would be very proud to be served this dish.💙

  4. _VI_VI_VI

    It looks amazing, I typically won’t choose a pot pie, but I would definitely want to eat this one, crust looks amazing and filling looks so hearty and juicy. Great job!

  5. LasVegasTimmy

    Nice work! Your boyfriend is a lucky man. I’d fight someone for this plate. 🤪

  6. KaleidoscopeNo9102

    One of my favs too. Just reminds me of home. I’m sure your bf loved it, it looks delicious.

  7. Tasty_Click7294

    Yum!! I actually have been wanting to make this!!

  8. Sandra_Turner2s

    If your boyfriend said it’s good, you’re definitely onto something delicious!

  9. Still-Line-7797

    Sounds great and the crust looks amazing. How did you like it?

  10. analogpursuits

    You make chicken pot pie better than a lot of Americans who make American food regularly! Nicely done! Did he appreciate it?

  11. Cute_Bandicoot_8219

    Well you cook chicken pot pie better than most white people do. This is indeed a staple dish and you nailed it.


    I actually HATE chicken pot pie, but this looks as good as any one I’ve seen. Wouldn’t want it, but it looks great.

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