I decided to have a healthy lifestyle.

by chexxx_


  1. giajolie12

    Could be a tad healthier

    Try no skin on chicken, skin has a lot calories/fat, try boneless chicken thighs or breast, make a house vinegar dressing with olive oil, creamy dressings are high in calorie’s

    Overall 6.5 maybe 7 out 10

    Best thing to do (I get most of personal training clients to do) download a app that calculates your calorie intake per meal and try to be very accurate

    There’s are tons of free apps

  2. Effective_Mission_56

    That’s a great decision! Embracing a healthy lifestyle can bring so many benefits for your mind and body.

  3. If you add another cucumber slice it won’t get less healthier…

  4. Where’s the carbs? You don’t like having energy?

  5. ButthurtPleb

    There’s a lot wrong with this “meal”, but overall this is not healthy. I’m guessing portion control was the main concern based on the lack of proper nutrients present.

  6. Letsbeclear1987

    Hey friend. You didnt ask, but i think this is a cry for help lol that banana and cucumber is sortof pitiful 🥸 Thought id share a couple things that are easy to add/alter.. health means different things to different people but im going for delicious and nutritious bc enjoyment is a huge part of this whole thing. First off start with new habits: commit to sleep and hydration. Walk around the block after meals. Start your day with water and apple cider vinegar shaken with collagen and mct oil. Next – How to eat your plate: Fiber first, protein second, starch/carbs last. (The way it hits your digestive tract matters, we want glucose/insulin to be level all day and this maximizes that) Eat beans/legumes everyday. Next: herbs and seasoning : GO NUTS. We want this to be enjoyable. Add stuff in, dont worry about cutting things out. Sunshine. Puppies. Love your life.

  7. ElisDelaware

    More salad, more cucumbers, less banana and its perfect

  8. neatlycoy

    hell yeah brother i’m with yo- is that a fucking banana?

  9. ph0artef1

    What did you do with the rest of the banana?! That’s like 0.025 of a banana there.

  10. Curious_Koala_312

    Good luck and take care of yourself and your health.

  11. Such_Radish9795

    Good luck w that. Don’t wanna overdo it w the banana. I know that’s why I’m fat – too many bananas 💀🙄

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