So a friend just came back from Tanzania and was kind enough to bring back some coffee, which I was super grateful for. I thought it smelt a bit strange and when opening it, the beans looked really dark. Are these beans cremated? The paper bag called them Babu coffee?

by ybot1999


  1. GlitteringLeg864

    Looks like a light roast from Starbucks

  2. TheMontu

    That suuucks cause some of the best coffee I’ve ever had came from Tanzania, but it looked like normal, brown coffee, not whatever this burnt bag is. Just be polite to your friend, though, it’s not their fault.

  3. No-Antelope3774

    Looks like someone sat on your bag of blueberries

  4. 800username

    Those are fresh beans that still need to be roasted

  5. DrahtMaul

    He brought back charcoal. Use it to feed your grill. Drink it if you want to die 😂

  6. Daedaluu5

    I think they maybe a smidge beyond dark roast. Maybe a new line of “Pits of hell” roast

  7. Legitimate-Stand-181

    Yeah, it’s a new decaffeination method.

  8. sonastyinc

    I think only the very outside is charred. The middle doesn’t look roasted.

  9. CaveManta

    Say a prayer and release them into the sea.

  10. sealpupster

    This looks like an artifact pulled from Vesuvius

  11. FuerzaGallos

    *opens the bag*

    *Beans scream “I hate you”*

    I bet an espresso made with that could actually give you insta-cancer.

  12. Bearaf123

    I genuinely thought that was a bag of charcoal for a barbecue

  13. SpecialpOps

    What did those poor beans do to the guy that roasted them? Those things are garbage.

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