Horse meat, ajos tiernos, fried eggs, fried potatoes and alioli

by lechecondensada


  1. GoatLegRedux

    Horse meat aside (never had it but would try it), the composition of that sandwich is crazy. All those bits lumped up toward the middle makes zero sense.

  2. beeesnaxxx


  3. he-tried-his-best

    Looks good. I’d love to try horse. Have had things like kangaroo before.

  4. justHeresay

    Nope. Never. They fought wars with us. Seems like the biggest betrayal

  5. dogfrost9

    I ate horse meat in Canada years ago. From what l remember it was rather good. l t was slightly sweet. l’m not sure if that is a normal flavor for horse; or if it was how the meat was prepared. It looked just like roast beef that you’d buy in the deli. l bought it at a Dutch store in Guelph.

  6. openchicfilaonsunday

    What’s horse meat taste like? Looks like skirt steak kinda

  7. Van-Buren-8

    Guy was so hungry he could eat a horse 🐴

  8. Stair-Spirit

    I couldn’t do it. I’m a total hypocrite when it comes to meat, and horse is one that gets that treatment.

  9. GreedyWarlord

    Ate plenty of horse meat sandwiches in Sicily. So good.

  10. MattalliSI

    Gross! Now an elk, which is a horse with horns, is delicious!

  11. actin_spicious

    Is that part of the horse’s mane hanging off the left side?

  12. ElReyDeLosGatos

    Where is this? What bar in Valencia?

  13. peteresque

    Ah I see you were out with Jay Reimenschneider.

  14. Krimreaper1

    Mr Horse, what did you think of that sandwich?


  15. thomthomthomthom

    I had horse sashimi in Japan a few years back.

    Didnt have seconds, haha.

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