Weekly QnA.
BEST SUPPS – https://dragonpharmalabs.com (CODE ANOMALY TO SUPPORT ME)
INSTAGRAM – genet1canomaly
TikTok – genet1canomaly

#gymworkout #bodybuilding #fitness


  1. Would you consider putting on 70lbs in a year good genetics ? Im natural and Im in absolutely no rush but i do wonder if i would be a hyper responder or not

  2. Hey that was me who asked the question 6:50
    Thankyou for answering
    that was a very mature response tbh i was not expecting that from you lol
    Still yea thats true i know guys on roids and still dont look that great…. no where near you,your genetics are really great man ,you really are born for getting jacked!!
    ,Hope you stay safe, healthy and jacked🦍

  3. The dude answered everything you need to know. He eats 400g of protein ,so before you even consider going on gear, can you actually dedicate yourself to consume that amount of food ?

    If the answer is no then don’t even try taking anything. It’s all genetics as well and how your body responds to certain gear. Some people can have results with 250mg and others with more or they can still look like shit. There isn’t one answer every single person is different.

    So unless you really know how to do things right , and do regular hormones check ups every couple weeks. Just stay natural and learn how to eat properly and train…

  4. Bro I watched your video explaining your negative experience with eating too much, I'm trying to gain weight, I was eating Three meals a day breakfast, laugh and dinner. Is that too much? Please reply 🙏

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