The sublime ‘Alice’s Dream’ is an annual grow for me.

Created in 2015 by Polish Breeder Zbigniew Pawluczuk, an accidental cross between Blue Gold and an unknown Indigo tomato.

Very productive, indeterminate plants which have good disease resistance and are productive even in low temperatures – can be successfully grown indoors and outdoors. Very attractive, high in anthocyanins, orange-black, juicy fruits with red veins weigh up to 300 g and are known as one of the biggest and prettiest among the antho varieties. Flesh is meaty and juicy whilst flavour is sweet and complex with a wonderful citrus aroma. Like all anthocyanin tomatoes, the more direct, unobscured light received, the darker the shoulder splashes.

by NRTomatoseed


  1. tu-BROOKE-ulosis

    This is my favorite. We got it on total accident from a neighbor who thought he was giving us a San Marzano seedling. We decided to do 3 next year they were so awesome. High production and delicious.

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