I added extra sharp creamy Dana blue cheese that worked out really well with the Parmesan.

by ProjectA-ko


  1. ProjectA-ko

    Seasoned shrimp with a blackened Cajun seasoning and cayenne pepper and olive oil. Pan fried them on a high heat for about 2-3 mins each side and removed. Added 2 tablespoons of butter in the same pan I removed the shrimp from and sautéed about 7 cloves of sliced garlic. After about 3-4 mins I added one pint of heavy cream and reduced the heat to a simmer. Added 2 oz of blue cheese crumbles, half a cup of shredded Parmesan and mixed until it was all smooth. I boiled regular spaghetti until al dente and mixed it the sauce with the shrimp I had set aside and crab meat. Seasoned with a little more salt and black pepper and served.

  2. Viva_la_fava

    Oh Madonna benedetta dell’incoroneta di Foggia cinofila

  3. Prompt-Altruistic

    Ma un po’ tutto quello che ha combinato!

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