A little smoking and grilling this past weekend… What y’all think?

by ThatLovingTouch72


  1. Paul_CNCguy

    Looks dam good, I’ll take the sample platter 😊

  2. Oz_Von_Toco

    Looks great. For some reason those hanging sausages make me think of the scene from Freddy got fingered when he’s going “daddy would you like some sausage” with the pianos lol

  3. toclosetoTV

    Just a little. I be over when your smoking a lot.

  4. Diligent_Department2

    Looks freaking awesome, can you show off your upright smoker with the sussage? I want to make one just for that!

  5. Sad-Maintenance3422

    Looks like you got it figured out. Where’s the beer?

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