I'm using a recipe that is half butter half shortening. Baking at 400 for 20 minutes and then 375 for another 35-40. I'd like my crust to be a little more brown and slightly crispier, particularly the lattice part. Any tips?

by cutewhenmute


  1. Western_Emergency222

    Try an egg wash and leave it in a bit longer.

  2. HatGold1057

    Supposedly sugar + water gives a better crust than egg wash. Haven’t tried it myself though.

  3. HeraldofItoriel

    I was going to say turn the broiler on or try a little butter. If you turn the broiler on, watch it LIKE A HAWK.

  4. Ok_Needleworker_9537

    Egg wash with cream and sanding sugar. 

  5. Angry_Earthling

    If you have a convection setting on your oven this is a perfect time to use it. It’ll help the crust brown more thoroughly and evenly and help it get nice and puffy.
    It couldn’t hurt to check the accuracy of your oven temp.
    Adding 25 degrees to your initial bake temp won’t hurt it either tray baking at 425 for 30 minutes to start especially if it’s a really juicy filling.

  6. twattytwatwaffle

    Egg wash of egg + heavy cream and bake for longer. You can tent the edges with tin foil if they get too dark.

  7. Sparsewords

    So I have come to covering the first 30, then uncovering. I wash with a spray of water and a brush of sugar when it’s appropriate. Some don’t do well with sugar and I use an egg wash- but the spray bottle has changed my life both ways.

  8. hannabanan666

    An egg wash before baking but also during the baking process you should put some aluminum foil folded over on top so it’s not touching but able to vent out might crips it up a bit more and make it golden 🤗

  9. Go_Plate_326

    Just bake it longer. Looks like you’ve got a well-made crust but it’s underbaked, that pie can handle 80-90 minutes in the oven easy. Fiddling with the temps/times may get you there – try blasting it at 450 for 15 minutes, then 350 for like 75

  10. huffmanm16

    Do you have a convection setting on your oven? I’d turn the temp down 15-20% and turn the convection fan on. Sometimes I just turn the fan on and off without changing the temperature and keep an eye on it.

  11. Ginoblee

    Can’t link a pic but I made an apple pie the other day and I start at 400 for 20 mins then finish at 375 for 35-40 mins. Along with egg wash of course and it makes a great golden brown crust

  12. Eagles365or366

    Egg wash, and a quick broiler turn at the last minute. May be a minute or two. But stay attentive, it can burn quick.

  13. mperseids

    I like using just egg yolk and milk so it’s fattier. Egg whites are very watery.
    This still looks great by the way!

  14. Far_Seaworthiness765

    It needs a few more minutes in the oven

  15. CandyHeartFarts

    What is your crust recipe? Could be why it’s not browning .

  16. ChefGrannyLou

    Here are some ingredients you can use to top your pie crust:

    1. Egg wash: A thin egg wash made by whisking an egg with a tablespoon of water can make the top of your pie crust shiny.

    2. Sugar: A sprinkle of sugar can add flavor and texture to your pie crust. You can also try a 50/50 mix of demerara and granulated sugar, known as “sugar-sugar”, which sticks to the dough after an egg wash and adds crunch and sweetness.

    3. Melted butter: Melted butter can add flavor, but it can leave a speckled appearance on the crust. If you plan to sprinkle the crust with sugar, the sugar will hide the speckles.

    4. Milk or cream: You can brush a lattice top with milk or cream to help it brown.

    5. Sanding or turbinado sugar: Sprinkling sanding or turbinado sugar on a lattice top adds crunch and sparkle.

    6. Vanilla and bourbon: You can brush the bottom and inside edges of a store-bought crust with a mixture of melted butter, vanilla, and bourbon before baking.

  17. Bake-258

    Bleached flour and flour with a protein content of 10% or lower will bake up much lighter than unbleached, flour and flour with a protein content of 11% or higher. Flour with some added malted barely will bake darker.

    Usually a wash is applied for color and shine.

    Whole Egg: adds deep golden color and some shine. I use on more rustic tarts and meat handpies. Apply evenly as whole egg will get burn if puddled.

    Whole Egg & Water: a lighter golden brown witha bit more shine than whole egg.

    Whole Egg & Cream: one of the more common combinations used by pastry chef since cream is in so many pastries. Nice golden brown and shine.

    Whole Egg & Milk: medium golden brown color shine. Not one I care for much

    Whole Egg & Sugar: will quickly burn because of the sugar burn. if I want to use sugar, I’ll apply the whole egg wash. Then sprinkle a sanding sugar over the crust instead of mixing the sugar in with the egg wash.

    Egg White & Sugar: as with whole egg and sugar, I applied this sugar separately rather than mix it in to the wash.

    Egg Yolk & Cream: good shine, but can burn. for washes that burn quickly I prefer to use them on individual size pies, or hand pies since they don’t bake as long as a standard pie.

    Egg Yolk & Milk or Water: meh. Just not a fan.

    Egg White: a bit difficult to apply since it’s not mixed with a liquid. You need to whip the egg whites a bit with a fork before applying. Once applied, it does give beautiful shine. It’s great for sealing a blind bake crust.

    Egg White & Cream: beautiful, rich color and shine.

    Egg White & Water or Milk: use just a tad bit liquid to loosen up the egg white. Too much liquid will dilute egg whites shine. Egg white & a tad bit of liquid works much better to seal pie dough than plain water.

  18. Formal_Lie_713

    Based on the picture I’d say roll it thinner and bake it longer.

  19. Invest in a crust protector. It’s a silicone ring that sits around the edge so you can get the middle nice and brown. You can also use foil but I find that too fiddly.

  20. AcanthocephalaNo7806

    You can do an egg wash with egg and heavy cream or just straight up heavy cream will help you get some nice color. Heavy cream works great on top of scones and cinnamon rolls too 🙂

  21. Milkicat

    I like to use egg wash and heavy cream, turn on the broiler and keep a hawk eye on it

  22. Mewcrury

    eggwash, cover the crust for most the cooking time, move the pie to the top baking rack, and then uncover it until its the color you want

  23. Longjumping-Ant-77

    Mine get too brown! can we swap?!

  24. Hatty_Girl

    Egg yolk…mine comes out beautifully shellaced.

  25. Swiminwatermelons

    Looks like maybe the crust was a tad to moist. Less cold water initially.

  26. Letsbeclear1987

    Foil crown for the brim at this stage and back in for a few more minutes. You could optionally add sanding sugar for a little caramelizing or put it under the grill/broiler for like 1 minute. Dont take your eyes off it

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