I’ve never sent food back in my life but i just knew i would not like it how they first sent it i felt bad so i tipped $20 but i devoured the second plate

by true2kill


  1. Early-Ad-7410

    Well they sure as hell didn’t overcook the second time. To each their own

  2. Entraprenuerrrrr

    the first is medium and the second is almost blue lol

  3. Mad_Martigan2023

    Yeah, but the tapeworms make the steak taste awesome…

  4. Mad_Martigan2023

    Had one back in the day, named him Ben. He loved cheese…

  5. Skarmotastic

    Y’all are crazy if you think that second one is anything but a perfect rare.

  6. BLUEBOY646

    Wow. You’re so cool. I hope this post on reddit makes you feel really cool.

  7. Nedstarkclash

    2nd is blue. 1st is medium with a touch of MR here and there.

  8. wumbologistPHD

    Don’t feel bad man, going out to eat is too expensive to eat food you didn’t order.

  9. renov8nd

    That’s impressive. I’ve heard of reverse seer but never reverse cooking

  10. Antique-Purple-Axe

    Hopefully the first pic is the after…?

  11. GYN-k4H-Q3z-75B

    Wouldn’t have sent the first one back but complained. Second one looks perfect.

  12. MikaLovesYuu

    I thought images were backwards but they aren’t

  13. You have rare and medium, which did you order?

  14. JellyfishQuiet7944

    Didn’t even realize they were different steaks.

  15. Is that considered a salad or just garnish lmfao


    If it’s a steakhouse send it back. If it’s just a restaurant and you’re ordering rare steak that’s on you.

  17. Big_Steve_69

    You’ve never sent back food in your life but this barely overcook steak is what finally causes you to? 🧢

  18. Aware_Birthday_6863

    I think I heard the 2nd one moo😂 looks good tho

  19. Yeah you absolutely should’ve felt bad about sending that back. Jeez some people are picky. The first is more in line with what you asked for too.

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