First time Yorkshire pudding (as an American)!

by Fluid-Ad-6528


  1. Jimmysixxtoes

    I always take pics of food atop my trashcan

  2. Visible-Paramedic-80

    As a british person, these look fab!!!

  3. Majestic-Apple5205

    those look great, you should be proud! there is no need to throw them out.

  4. roughrider_tr

    What did you think of them? I made hot cross buns (with homemade mixed peel) last weekend and was blown away!

  5. The bottom right corner one in the second pick doesn’t look happy.

  6. theculdshulder

    Yay you ruined them with germs from the bin.

  7. squidcustard

    They look delicious, what did you eat them with? (not that mainlining yorkies from the pan isn’t also a valid choice)

  8. shedrinkscoffee

    This picture has unlocked a new paranoia for me wrt people’s food handling behavior at home. I don’t think I’ll ever accept baked goods from anyone whose kitchen/cooking hygiene isn’t vetted.

    Do you not have counter space? 😭 Why do you put food on the trash can.

  9. Artistic-Traffic-112

    Hi. Well done. These look great ( as a Brit) hope you have got soke lovely beef stock gravy to go with them.

  10. IntrepidHermit

    As a Yorkshire man, I congratulate you.

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