Here's a new batch of monstrousities! For anyone who missed the first post a couple days ago, I'm a Pastry Chef at a small Cafe and my boss thinks he can make bread and won't let me do it. Here was today's batch. Please kill me.

by cookiesarenomnom


  1. BeardedBakerFS

    No. No mercy killing for you.
    You deserve to live for showing us this again.

  2. currydemon

    They’re artisanal. Take them to a farmer’s market. They’ll sell like hot cakes.

  3. C137RickSanches

    Tell him we are concerned for his mental health. Or he’s a narcissist.

  4. HeyTuesdayPigInAPoke

    I get better looking baguettes from a can of generic breadstick dough.

  5. broken0lightbulb

    Hey I’m the guy who said to make a fake account and stuff.

    I’m back to say, omg how did they get worse?!

    Tell your head chef if he needs that much bench flour he should go back to the basics. He can’t handle that hydration 😅

  6. Brilliant-Kiwi-8669

    Pastry chef here, these look like shit ….

  7. BoxofGoodiesx

    lol what a day to have eyes 😂, these look stiffer than cement

  8. 6cmofDanglingFury

    You need to casually leave coupons and advertising for lasic, glasses, contacts, etc. lying around.

    Other questions that have jumped into my head:

    Does this individual drive?

    Does this individual date?

  9. Rich-Potato2861

    oh god they look like burnt, ashy logs
    and there’s no way in hell they taste good or have a good crumb 😭 I am crying they are atrocious

  10. I_Am_Become_Air

    They look like something supplied for a women’s self defense class.

  11. beetlekittyjosey1

    there’s a small tourist mountain town that has a bakery and everyone kept telling me to go get their amazing baguettes. i got there and they looked like shit JUST like these lmao is this Mazama?!

  12. britishparl

    Fellow pastry guy here… these look like dogshit left to dry in the sun for a couple weeks. Absolutely unappetizing


    What do they taste like? I want to see one cut open.

  14. greendaruma

    Almost 5 years ago I worked with a pastry chef who created the exact same kind of monstrosities, just in different shapes and I always wanted to cry. What a waste of time and ingredients (even if it’s low cost). The worst part is the other cooks and even the exec chef would praise him until he left for the day and then they’d admit to me later that his bread sucked. He along with the exec chef started at the same time so they were like family, and nobody wanted to hurt his feelings.

    It drove me crazy because then I was the bitch because I wouldn’t lie to make him feel good.

    Idk what to tell you other than you have all my sympathy. If he’s your boss, there’s probably not much you can do other than snarking with us. And try not to lose your mind when other people kiss his butt about his horrible bread.

  15. ReleventReference

    Say what you will but he’s getting better…in reverse.

  16. HndsDwnThBest

    Make your own, put them in the display next to those, see which ones sell first, and point it out. Rinse wipe and repeat until he gets it.

    Do the food cost breakdown and present how much money is going to waste each day and month. And show how much money could be saved and made if they sold.

    If he is a competent business owner or whoever is, he should understand and agree something needs to change. And he needs to put his feelings aside.

  17. herb_ertlingerr

    That focaccia (?) in the background of pic 2 looks pretty good at least

  18. GotTheTee

    We are enjoying this SO much! We being my son and me. The horror and the humor, all in some ugly logs.

  19. jojocookiedough

    They look like fossilized dog turds 😭

  20. causticmango

    JFC those look disgusting. If I saw those in a bakery I’d leave without buying anything they make.

  21. MedicallyTraumatic

    Come on, how does he not realize how fucking awful those are?? Are customers not pointing and laughing??

  22. bringmethechipsss

    Not gonna lie, when I was scrolling down my feed just now, I passed these up and had to do a double take. They look like old dried 💩

    I thought I was looking at a Reddit group for hoarding or deep cleaning…or… something. I feel terrible that this is the first thing that came to mind seeing those, “baguettes.”💀💀

  23. mentionitallll

    I think I have sudden gluten intolerance just from seeing pictures of these baguettes

  24. Remarkable-Thought-7

    I legit thought i was looking at firewood

  25. worldtravelerfromda6

    Serve this to your enemy with no water.

  26. BattledroidE

    Yeah, no. I’m merely a pretty inexperienced home baker, but this is absolutely terrible, and even I can make better ones. You can’t charge for something like that.

    Fair enough, baguette shaping is hard, it takes a lot of attempts to get consistently good at it, but we gotta have a bare minimum standard, at least. Let the best baguette shaper do it.

  27. 05twister

    Hey, I have a solution for you. I believed that I noticed you lived in NYC. Have a baking friend of yours come into place of work and complain about the appearance of the baguettes. Make sure it is a bread baker from another place that knows their stuff. It is NYC. It is almost a given if New Yorkers see crap, they will make sure that their opnion is known. I’d volunteer, but alas, I moved from the big apple.

  28. Drewbeede

    Oof I’m sorry. You need a sign the explicitly states that these are made by your boss and you had no part in making these monstrosities.

  29. i don’t know why i thought these were shrooms

  30. AppealEasy2128

    Do…do people actually purchase these.. umm .. creations of his?

  31. ecaracal

    How did they get WORSE. These are physically painful

  32. ChanglingBlake

    I made better looking bread the very first time I baked a loaf.

    This is sacrilege to anyone that calls themself a baker.

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