48 is the new 30, but seriously, the shot was so tasty that maybe it is .
Just a PSA that if you know your beans and the bean you're pulling is still in the zone and looking good, maybe let it run a wee bit more…😁👍
Here is this morning's Cortado brevè on a pp600/DF83v2.
22.5g dose of ace coffee outpost's corduroy
A Colombian and Honduran blend.
by Status-Persimmon-819
What was the recipe?
Yea the local roaster/cafe near me does 18/36 in 42 seconds. Very nice with their espresso roast.
I’ve mimicked it at home and it’s much better than out in 30 seconds.
Yeah, ideal shot time depends on well, everything. Literally everything.
Oh yeah! Another cortado brevé drinker, and a long puller as well. My cortado brevé this morning was an 18.2g, 36 second pull. And it was glorious. I have to force myself to drink it slowly because I want to enjoy all the flavor for as long as I can.