Italian sub with all of the fixings.

by WanderWut


  1. WanderWut

    Number 13 (Italian) done Mikes way (hold the tomato) with added pickles, pepper relish (extra pepper relish), mayo on bottom, spicy brown mustard on top, and rosemary parmesan bread.

    The rosemary parmesan bread was good but since there’s already so many flavors going on with the sub itself you can only tastes the rosemary just a bit and the parmesan bread taste is lost entirely.

    I know there’s been an influx of JM posts but dammit if this sub wasn’t delicious!

  2. unbelizeable1

    wtf is with the astroturfing of Jersey Mikes bullshit on this sub lately. I wanna see some good homemade sammys, not some crap from an shitty chain place

    And as someone from NJ , their subs are fucking garbage lol

  3. lunar_tardigrade

    Mods.. please ban people with jersey Mike’s posts. This is becoming a commercial.

  4. bbbertie-wooster

    They put so little salami and pepperoni. It’s criminal. I know this sub loves this place, but I won’t go there again.

  5. Shrektastic28

    At first I didn’t mind, but I agree with others. Chain restaurants should be banned.

    We need variety if this subreddit is going to evolve.

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