Continuing my mission to make as many sandwiches from The Encyclopedia of Sandwiches (by Susan Russo) as I can, #18 is the-day-after-Thanksgiving turkey sandwich. Super messy! But good! It had turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry jelly, gravy and mayonnaise. Every bite was like a different flavour. Maybe Thanksgiving meal should just be sandwiches like this.

by CanuckleHead92


  1. Bubbly57

    Love that you do this !

    This is awesome !
    ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗

  2. peestew69

    I, being a rebel, also slop some mothafuckin greenbean casserole on mine.

  3. wrizzo99

    Looks awesome, my favorite, is there cranberry sauce on it?

  4. Booyah_7

    Looks so good! It’s my all time favorite sandwich. I have a ‘Friends” cookbook and make Monica’s version every year. I’m so excited that I will be able to make it soon.

  5. loquaciousocean

    I will also comment on the lack of gravy

  6. ckopfster

    Some years we skip the Thanksgiving dinner and go straight to these sandwiches.

  7. NateNMaxsRobot

    Hold up. I might even put this entire sandwich in a bowl of soup. Yum.

  8. Kindly-Birthday-1414

    Oh yes buddy…. just an American here, but I realize that your Thanksgiving was yesterday…. I’m on board with you…. Thanksgiving dinner itself is nice…. But the real magic lies in The Leftovers and the sandwiches

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