This is a classic almond slider with toasted buns to create a Maillard reaction and depth of flavor. 10/10

by Westbrooks3ptShot


  1. explorecoregon

    Needs to be cooked well done…

    And a 700 crudité platter with radishes and a diving board.

  2. Can-i-Pet-Dat-Daaawg

    Where on Earth do you live and who do I have to kill to make sure you’re never forced to do this again?

    Louis Maillard hates you.

  3. RootinTootinHootin

    Put some mayonnaise on that bad boy to enjoy a mayonut sandwich.

  4. Does your girlfriend also have allot of male friends that she has sleepovers with just as friends? She sounds like she may not be telling you the truth. Now if she told you to put some American cheese on it, she would have been spot on.

  5. BlueGreenMikey

    Musta been hard to spread that extreme chunky almond butter.

  6. flamingpillowcase

    Poor guy was so hyped and we destroyed him.

  7. henry1473

    I think this is meant to be rage bait or whatever, right? But the bun is toasted perfectly and you’re getting so many good nutrients with the almonds!

    A solid snack or meal, depending!

  8. DuskActual

    This dudes girlfriend also probably fakes orgasms w him.

  9. Educational-Chef919

    Ur girlfriend needs to go.


  10. ThirdShiftGamer93


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