What is the theoretical red price for? It doesn't seem to reach my actual cart. I'm confused.

by deadkate


  1. deadkate

    By red numbers I mean the $7.50/serving, and the total for the week. That’s on my account page.

    The other picture is from my cart, it seems to show what they’ll actually be charging me.

  2. SilverOwl321

    I’ll do my best to explain.

    The price in the second screenshot does not include shipping or the 2 add-ons you have listed in the first screenshot. You are seeing only the 2 meals in the second screenshot minus the market discount. $45.96-$5.99 =$40.97. Now, take that total and add the shipping and two add-ons. That’s why it’s an increased price.

    Two errors here. $7.50 for 4 servings equals $30. It would make sense that shipping added to would round it up another $10-11. However, They make it look like shipping is covered at that price in the second screenshot, but in the first screenshot, you can see they are charging you shipping separately.

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