Do you put sauce on BBQ?

by judog01


  1. Stang1776

    You know…welp….I kinda agree with you.

    I will add a little a pulled pork sandwhich though. Extra flavor cuts through the bread. Mustard base is my go to.

  2. I love unsauced good bbq. I also like a good bbq sauce, or even a variety. Sometimes its nice to have a little palate cleanser between bites to avoid fatigue from the same flavor over and over.

  3. SpaceGoonie

    There’s nothing wrong with saucing. It is not just to make up for bad cooks, although it can be a life saver when you end up with unfortunate results. That said, sauce can also enhance perfectly smoked or grilled meats, though maybe serve it on the side.

  4. StevenG2757

    It really depends on what I am making.

    Beef never gets sauce as it is beef.

    For chicken I like a little sauce on the side for dipping.

    Pulled pork get a vinegar based sauce, but is that considered sauce?

    Ribs will be 50/50. Some days I like dry and some days I will wet them up. It really depends on who is coming for dinner and most don’t consider it BBQ if it does not have sauce.


    Maybe it doesn’t “need” sauce but I still want it!

  6. gruntothesmitey

    I do with pulled pork, yeah. A little vinegar sauce always gets mixed into the meat. People can add more if they want, but there should be just a hint of it regardless, IMO.

  7. TummyDrums

    Eh, it kind of depends what you’re going for. Memphis dry rub ribs are good, but you bake in that glaze of bbq sauce on top instead, it takes it to the next level. But if someone tries to sell you brisket with a bbq glaze, tell them to go to hell.

  8. pickleparty16

    Steak is good with just salt and pepper. It’s also good with pepper cream or red wine sauces.

  9. idlewildsmoke

    It doesn’t need to have sauce to be good but that doesn’t need all BBQ shouldn’t have sauce. It’s no different than using more than S+P for steak. May not be “needed” but not invalid or something to take issue with.

  10. ThatstheFunk

    Semantically speaking lol I think good smoked meats do not need sauce. BBQ and grilling in my region’s vernacular are the same thing regardless of cuisine that’s being cooked and sauce or no sauce and if that sauce adds or detracts is completely recipe dependent.

    Realistically speaking I don’t give a fuck. Chicken and pork with sauces are fucking great. Hell, a grilled or smoked pork loin (not tenderloin) imo benefits from a sauce. This opinion might change might if I was buying heritage breeds rubbed with acorn liquor and fed a diet of ancient grains or whatever, but like most people where I live, the big ass pork loins I get at the store are extremely low in fat and are asking for heavy seasoning and or a sauce

  11. BuffaloWhip

    Doesn’t *need* it, yes, but if it’s good sauce, why not enjoy?

  12. Equal_Efficiency_638

    I like both. The goodness of the bbq doesn’t determine whether or not I want sauce. 

  13. Y0uAreN0tTheFather

    Sometimes it’s not about improving, but complementing the barbecue


    I very much disagree. Not that good BBQ isn’t good on it’s own, but it’s flavor profile that is very FAT & SALT heavy. Probably a good dose of HEAT/SPICE. But if you don’t add some acidity in the form of a sauce, you’re very clearly missing an aspect that takes it to the next level.

    Alternatively, if you’re eating your BBQ with pickled onions, or some other acidic combo, you can combat that. But I deem it a requirement to include an aspect of acidity to BBQ if it’s going to hit it’s peak in terms of a meal. Sauce is the best way to do that in my opinion.

  15. Well, I guess that makes you extra special. Good for you.

  16. Snowf1ake222

    Or just let people enjoy things how they want?

  17. Broad_Boot_1121

    OP is the type of person that cooks every beef steak to rare no matter the cut

  18. turribledood

    Anything as fatty and rich as most BBQ will always benefit from something acidic to balance the flavors.

  19. kesselrhero

    BBQ doesn’t “need” most of the things we put in it, it does t “need” salt, pepper, rubs, sauces, or smoke, all it “needs” is to be cooked to a temp that won’t make you sick to eat it. Now, what you “need” in your BBQ is different than what you “want” in your BBQ

  20. brooks_77

    A little apple cider vinegar, so it doesn’t dry out

  21. Perfect_Testicles

    If it’s really good, no, never… except… well yeah, except if you have a lot of amazing brisket and after you eat a few slices plain, you then get two pieces of bread, some raw onion and Texas made pickles, and make a sandwich with it.

    If the BBQ sauce is really good, dump it over the brisket and then add the pickles and onions and the top bun. Basic, Texas Style, top shelf, brisket sandwich. Can’t beat that shit. My fave.

    But if you are just grabbing the brisket and eating it with your hands and it is really good, don’t add anything. If it’s a sandwich, and the BBQ sauce is top tier, yes, add sauce.

    – The King has Spoke

  22. Soggy_Cracker

    Sauce should always be a compliment, not a crutch. Item should be able to stand alone without sauce.

  23. ChemiWizard

    The statement is correct…. Doesn’t need sauce if it’s good. But obviously good sauce on good bbq is the dream. Good sauce can go on fries it doesn’t need the meat. But we all know the best combination is the best of the best.

  24. MilesAugust74

    Good BBQ shouldn’t ***need*** sauce, but that’s not to say you ***can’t*** put some on if you like. Food is *meant* to be enjoyed, so do what you want.

    I typically use minimal sauce, but like most things in life, it depends on the meat, the sauce, the rub, and other factors.

  25. I_AM_A_GUY_AMA

    Unless the meat is entering your own mouth… Who cares if people use sauce? I don’t know why people care about what other people do with their own meat. Doesn’t matter, not my damn busines, I just want my guests to enjoy my meat however the please. They can get sloppy with a sauce or we can raw dog it. That’s why god invented vinyl tablecloths.

  26. CoolerRon

    I’m from Texas and I agree with the sign. I may use sauce on brisket and pulled pork but never for good ribs


    Yes, but that’s because I like extra sauce on my barbecue. Just like I like extra sauce on my pizzas, pastas, enchiladas, biscuits and gravy, etc.

    I like having that extra sauce to dip in my sides/breadsticks.

    Also, depending on where you go, they really go light on the sauce, so you kind of need extra to even things out.

  28. Kona1957

    I love BBQ beef sandwiches. Toasted sesame bun, lite mayo and BBQ beef. And a bottle of BBQ sauce close by to squirt or pour. I will say, BBQ at Q39 in KC or The Pit in Raleigh Durham were two spots that didn’t need a lick of sauce-but I used it anyway!!

  29. No_Rec1979

    I was born in Kansas City. So I was a proponent of BBQ sauce my whole life.

    My wife is from Argentina. When I went to meet her family, we had (sauceless) Argentine *asado* like every other night.

    And let me tell you, the answer is yes. Asado >>> KC BBQ, and pretty much all American meat.

  30. OneAndDone169

    I am 100% a sauce on the side kind of guy.

  31. Big_k_30

    Aside from chicken legs, I never sauce meat on the grill. KC has a variety of good sauces, I smoke the meat and let the guests decide if they want sauce. Personally I like to sauce the bite every now and then but I’m about 70/30 no sauce.

  32. Perfect_Testicles

    If it is brisket… if it is dipped in BBQ sauce, then you know it wasn’t great brisket. End of story.

    All the subtle nuances of the smokey meat have been plagued by sugar and spice. Good meat didn’t spend 12 to 24 hours being smoked just so you could dip it in sauce…

    Great Brisket is a work of art, and once you eat it, your eyes will bug out, you’ll look around the room, you’ll throw your head back and realize at this moment, that this was the best plate of food you ever had in your life.

  33. CaptainMeatCake

    …need sauce, no. Add to and offer variety, yes.

  34. LittleBigHorn22

    Sure a good BBQ doesn’t “need” sauce, but a good sauce will make any BBQ better.

    Why limit your food?

  35. Sekshual_Tyranosauce

    Nothing needs sauce. Sauces enhance or add a dimension. They’re not make or break.

    Good mashed potatoes don’t need gravy.

    Good burgers don’t need ketchup.

    But you might enjoy them more if they have it.

  36. dragonsfire14

    I love sauce for most meats. I just consider it an enhancer.

  37. deathofelysium

    I always make sauce when I make bbq. If the smoker is on, I’m throwing a head of garlic, an onion, and some tomatoes in to have a sauce base.

    Does it need it? No, probably not. Do I like my ribs better with a little bit of sauce and grill char? Heck yes I do. But I also like them rubbed.

    Whoever wants sauce has it. If they don’t, fine. I make the sauce for me, it’s a part of the process. Making a sauce matched to the meat and the rub, with complimentary flavors. For plating it makes a nice colorful swatch for the meat to sit next to. Just makes sense. But idgaf if you eat it.

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