Easy One-Pan Chocolate Skillet Cake with Rich Chocolate Sauce

by Greedy_Leek5479


  1. RedLicoriceJunkie

    how does it not burn on the bottom?

    Does it need very low heat?

  2. Greedy_Leek5479


    **For the Cake Base:**

    * 1 large egg
    * ½ cup granulated sugar
    * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    * ½ cup vegetable oil
    * ½ cup milk
    * 1½ cups all-purpose flour
    * 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
    * 1 teaspoon baking powder

    you can make the sauce chocolate from this source [here](https://worldbiterecipes.com/chocolate-skillet-cake-recipe/)

  3. campingn00b

    How to make the sauce:

    Step 1: have sauce


  4. Bupivacaine88

    What’s the consistency of the finish product? Brownie type? Chiffon? Crumbly? Moist? Thank you

  5. Un_Testiculo

    THAT is a fancy mixing bowl. Almost reminds me of a fruit bowl 🤭


    I mean, I think “one-pan” is something that can be said about almost every cake.

  7. melbbear

    The Sauce is made in a saucepan, so this is using more pans that a normal cake

  8. lovemymeemers

    Same amount of pans as most cakes buddy.

  9. Metal knife scratching up non stick/ceramic coating pan…

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