i drowned mine in parm, don’t worry!

by amv2212


  1. KulSheep001

    Dude this looks tasty AF, what’s wrong with steak and pasta

  2. Best-Ad4738

    Everyone is upset at you, I am too but only because you didn’t make me a plate!!

  3. rowrowgesto

    The pasta and steak both look really well prepared to me 🙂 I don’t prefer red sauce dishes with steak them (I like it on the side) but I bet this was still ⛽️

  4. Celeres517

    I wouldn’t put these on top of one another, but both are executed really well, on an independent basis.

    And for me, this is not just a snobby “a restaurant wouldn’t do that so I don’t like it,” though it’s worth noting that sometimes there’s good reasons that you wouldn’t typically see a particular thing in a restaurant.

    This would just annoy me if I were trying to eat it—they are two great dishes, in fact, two personal favorites of mine, but they do *nothing* to enhance one another. You’re going to be trying to cut into a steak that’s slip-sliding on big rigatoni noodles, and getting distracted from the steak by the vodka sauce and vice versa. And it’s all just so very rich; there isn’t nearly enough contrast.

    TBH the presentation is very tidy here and so it makes it more visually appealing to look at than most of the steak/pasta Frankensteins I’ve seen posted to this sub, but that’s going to fall apart the second you try to tuck into it.

  5. Nannerz-in-Pajammerz

    I’m going to be an anti-snob and say I would absolutely eat that.

  6. Least-Situation-9699

    Kinda strange, but if I smoked a blunt I would absolutely tear ts up

  7. chefpatrick

    I don’t see the issue here. There aren’t ‘rules’. Eat what you want with what you want to.

    Sometimes I pair a really nice barolo with a box of cheez-its because fuck it.

  8. DIJames6

    Two of my faves.. Fuc what everyone else is talkin about.. I’d mop that..

  9. Garviel_Loken95

    I really don’t see a problem with this, would smash

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