Hey! Just thought I’d put this here 🙂 I’ve never meal prepped, but dedicated to a lifestyle change so this has been a fun challenge! Focusing on mostly protein and calories.
My squash were still in the oven when I took the first picture, but included the full meal in the final one.

Left: baked chicken breast (needs more seasoning lmao), lemon quinoa and broccoli. 512 calories/59g of protein
Right: baked salmon, curried lentils and summer squash! 302 calories/31g of protein

Chicken, salmon, broccoli and squash were super basic, but the recipes for the curried lentils:
and quinoa:

by minarda1360


  1. Levi-Rich911

    That looks amazing. Definitely going to make those lentils in the near future.

  2. OutrageousPersimmon3

    I’ll be using the quinoa and lentil recipe, thanks. I’m trying to get more protein and still keep up with my fiber.

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