Oven broiled tomatillo, serrano, garlic, blended with raw onion and cilantro. And a bit of oregano, salt, avocado oil. Added a little lime juice for acid since the tomatillos became sweet during the oven time.

by Naive_Extension335


  1. casualredditor-1

    1 of each for everything listed or what?

  2. YeaImDylan

    What made it that color? I made a very similar recipe the other day yet it was much darker green! Looks yummy regardless

  3. OkOutlandishness1363

    Yummmmm! There is a local guy in our village that makes the absolute best avocado salsa I have ever had. For anyone in SE MI/NW Ohio look for “Salsa Bliss”. Every salsa he makes is amazing

  4. Worstfishingshow

    Curious about the raw onion. Why not roast it as well? No shade. Just curious.

  5. BuffMorsey

    Looks like baby poop mixed with diarrhea🤮

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