I actually like the way it looks (shh)

by rachrellie


  1. MardocAgain

    I don’t see a problem here. Looks nice, doesn’t seem to cause any issues with the eating experience (assuming the butter is soft enough to easy spread on your knife).

  2. Shit_Wolf

    This is fine as long as you use the butter before it melts. And it does look really nice.

  3. More_Ad_315

    It looks nice if you don’t look too close. Then it looks like a dusty microphone cover.

  4. krebstar4ever

    Idk if it’s true, but I’ve heard it’s traditional there to serve butter on a chilled volcanic rock.

  5. SsgtSquirtle

    So they are throwing volcanic rocks in the dishwasher?

  6. Reward_Antique

    Again, my angst here really begins and could end with how clean they get the rock before squirting your butter on it

  7. StunningShifts

    I thought I was in the succulent sub.

  8. bumholesgivemelife

    Thought I was in r/cactus for a moment

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