How spicy would this bad boy from my pickle jar be?

by w6750


  1. Ed_Trucks_Head

    Haha I’ve got a jar of those and have been eyeing that pepper

  2. TheRetardedPenguin

    I don’t know, why don’t you tell us?

  3. jerkbercky

    I think I tried it before and it was pretty dimmed down and actually delicious

  4. TheGreatLiberalGod

    Suckerpunch… More sucker less punch.

  5. Maelstrom_78

    It’s been a while, but I used to eat habs straight. So, probably not that bad. Maybe drink some milk first, though, just in case, lol! For the tummy.

  6. CamHaven_503

    I’ve found that pickling peppers leeches some of the spice from it so it doesn’t have the same kick. However, if it’s whole still than it probably still can slap you around.

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