Typical Swiss “Ghackets mit Hörnli” (minced meat over a curved pasta), all from scratch, traditionally served with applesauce, either in a separate bowl or as a side (pic 2). Hardcore Swiss even pour the applesauce directly over the dish 😉
by Gulliveig
Apparently, we’re not hardcore enough!
On [schwiiz](https://www.reddit.com/r/schwiiz/comments/1gddfo9/ok_miteidgenosse_plane_sit_ewige_ziite_mol_wieder/) there was a discussion about which is the typical traditional way to serve the applesauce: on top, as a side, or separately. But you have to understand Swiss German to follow it 🙂
That looks delicious! Is there a special sauce for the minced meat?
This looks so delicious! I‘m very hungry right now