A stranger at a Turkish deli insisted that the best sandwiches come from Turkish mortadella. He suggested 2 varieties. This is the 1st, black pepper mortadella. Keep it simple, he admonished. Lettuce, tomato, mayo, & avocado. That’s it. But the avocado is important. Don’t forget the avocado.

by toekneesan



    Did you get it? I’m only familiar with the Italian style with pistachios. Really just started eating it within the last year or two. How was it? Did the avocado bring it all together?

  2. MellowGlow9

    Sorry, I can’t look at the image. But here’s your comment:

  3. OoOoReillys

    Love avocado on a sandwich. Also, that might be the lowest ABV Victory beer I’ve ever seen.

  4. princeofspringstreet

    Is this a J Peterman catalogue?

  5. boringhuman117

    I just don’t see the appeal of adding avocado to everything. Would’ve been just fine without it.

  6. m0nstera_deliciosa

    Dammit. I bet there isn’t a Turkish deli within 3000 miles of me, and I may never know the pleasures of Turkish mortadella.

  7. restricted111

    Anyone else hear this in their head with a heavy accent when reading it?

  8. Cute_Description_228

    Sounds delicious but damn did you cut those tomatoes with a spoon??

  9. memomaha

    Give turkish pastirma a try if you can find it too!

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