Chips need work, I know 😭 I oven cook them so they're a bit healthier but struggled to replicate that crispy fried goodness. Advice welcomed.

by SonOfAMitchh


  1. rufkm0821

    It all looks great to me. Made me hungry

  2. SonOfAMitchh

    Meant to add – dry aged fillet for anyone wondering 🙂

  3. BigHomer7474

    Steak looks fackin gorgeous.

    What’s your method for the chips? Do you soak them and throughly dry them out before beginning the cooking process?

  4. lowcarbgenius

    That reverse sear looks good enough to post to /r/sousvide – nicely done!

  5. PositiveInevitable79

    Godamn it that made me hungry.

  6. Best plating I’ve seen on this sub in a while. And the steak looks delicious!

  7. goingoutwest123

    Try an air fryer for those potato wedges. I don’t own one personally but have a few friends that swear by them.

  8. Ultraquist

    Why do people need reverse sear? Its useless you can use just pan. No need to put it anywhere else.

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