I made sandwich for my father again (eyes in pic 1 are fake)

by No-Butterfly827


  1. Mr_Turnipseed

    Damn those eyes look tasty what’s in them

  2. CharlotteLucasOP

    Finally a decent amount of gherkins.

  3. intergalactict00t

    The proper amount of pickles! And eyeballs!

  4. Significant_Dark2062

    Thank you for pointing out the eyes are fake. I really believed your sandwich came from Toontown until I read that part.

  5. H_M_N_i_InigoMontoya

    I’m just glad OP told me those eyes were fake

  6. No-Year3423

    The eyes are fake? Nah fuck that I don’t want the sandwich then

  7. Pal_Saradise_

    With the eyes 10/10
    Without the eyes 7/10

  8. whynot208

    Double it and give it to the next person

  9. Delicious_Oil9902

    It looks a bit cartoonish – too many pickles will drop out like that. Bread looks like it’s from flyover country, meat looks like it’s from the grocery store

  10. Ressilith

    is that from a russian deli? looks like doktorskaya kolbasa and other russian style meats

  11. Juan_Moe_Taco

    Well, I like that you added the eyes because I bet r/paredolia would welcome your post with open arms. 🙂

  12. elephant_catcher

    Type sandwich ed edd and eddy would’ve eaten

  13. weaponized_chef

    Why do you keep serving him choking hazards?

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