The damn pie caught fire this time

by CanConfirmAmViking


  1. Looks awesome, the charred part is the best part i always say!

  2. Particular-Act-8911

    If it’s the best tasting pizza.. you’ll have to start a fire every time from now on.

  3. Obvious-Delay9570


    Still looks tastefully delicious

  4. ReasonableRevenue678

    My great pyrenees also is ok with burned pizza.

  5. LeecherKiDD

    So umm ya gonna share that pizza with me..



  6. ZealousidealKey7104

    “It’s just charred.” Dave Portnoise

  7. May-Eat-A-Pizza

    Mr. Dogson seems like he would appreciate a slice.

  8. Educational_Row_9485

    You’re in a pizza sub and you still call it a pie?

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