Yeah I know, there isn’t any sesame seeds😢

by TheRealJehler


  1. drfury31

    But where are the E. Coli onions?


  2. dumplinwv

    Well that’s the best looking Big Mac I have ever seen

  3. beeemmvee

    Close, but no sesame seed bun.

    2allbeefpatties special sauce lettucecheese picklesonions onasesameseedbun

  4. mariam67

    I think it looks even better than a Big Mac because it doesn’t look like somebody sat on it.

  5. stinkyhangdown

    This would end the night though.

  6. evoxbeck

    Should have smashed the middle bun, while smashing the patties /s

  7. YeeClawFunction

    Mom, can we have Big Mac at home? No, McDonald’s has Big Mac 😞

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