I made one earlier this week, it was atrocious. Decided I needed some redemption… but now I fear I’ve unlocked a scrumptious artery clogging habit.

by Mountainmarley


  1. WonderTwonk

    Looks good.
    Steak that thick, sear the sides as well.


    It looks so good that I don’t believe you.

  3. QuinnMiller123

    Really nice, you have no “gray band”, which can be difficult for some. If anyone in the comments can explain and let me know how the gray band forms or what I can do to reduce it while cooking lmk. I can get it to be very minimal but it’s always slightly there.

  4. Separate-Abrocoma-31

    My only note is that the steak is super thiccc (gave you 3 C’s) , I would sear all the sides. It’s tricky to do that but note that to sear all sides without producing gray band, you flip that mf as many times needed.

    Other than that, I would murder this steak

  5. Plastic_Ferret_6973

    Finally a rare thats not fucking bleeding.

  6. haventredit

    Looks pretty lean. Your arteries will be fine

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