Happy election day!

by ParanoidPleb


  1. ExpertRaccoon

    Whiskey would have been more appreciated, but thank you, also depending on the outcome may I live with you?

  2. Bethsmom05

    Thank you. I hope the day does have a happy ending.

  3. MaeWestGoodess

    Thank you! I’ve been stress eating. Here’s hoping for a good outcome.

  4. GlitterBlood773

    As your American neighbor, I’m quite touched. I’m so nervous and trying to maintain the dissociative state.

    May you have quality candidates on all sides in your next elections

  5. valkyrii99

    Thank you Canada you’re our best friend country 

  6. cecusanele

    I’m an American democrat and I am so scared. I cannot do another four years of trump.

  7. faith_plus_one

    They look exactly how I feel after the results.

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