Today i made a stainless steel outdoor fireplace with a pizza stone,and it works like a charm. 🥰

by Mission_Ad_3305


  1. I’ll be honest, the pizza is lacking, but the oven is probably one of the best homemade ovens I’ve ever seen.

    Did you measure the temp of the stone at all?

  2. asktrevor

    That looks pretty good. How did the under carriage come out.

  3. trickstyle48

    Was it all custom measured and welded by yourself?

  4. LocalFeature2902

    What welding method did u use for stainless steel?

  5. StrainHumble1852

    Can you post a a video of it being used?

  6. NarcanBob

    Amazing fabrication!!!
    Many happy pies in your future…

  7. Srycomaine

    That is a truly amazing piece of kit! Congrats!!!

  8. I’m always blown away by the talent of people… fantastic… WTG !

  9. Oooh, Hertog Jan grand prestige…. Lekker man, zou er nu ook wel eentje lusten!

  10. Brilliant. My only concern would be *if* the center-of-gravity is too high for those tripod legs. Wouldn’t want that to topple over. Perhaps you filled the legs with sand or something?

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