I was hungry in the evening, so I melted the whole block of cheese and ate it with crisps

by maxru85


  1. DragonScrivner

    I would 100% eat this Raclette-style hack

  2. semifunctionaladdict

    What is the thing on the right?

  3. AsleepInteraction882

    This is several levels of desperate all in one., I think it would be better if the cheese was on the cracker.

  4. theonlymrsmcd

    How much weed did you smoke prior to melting that block of cheese 😆

  5. pseodopodgod

    thought this was grits until I read the caption 🙁

  6. GuyFromLI747

    unpopular opinion I’m down for this.. dont even need the crisps melted cheese is gooey liquid gold

  7. ClassicBookkeeper255

    Cheesey dose it a hole bloke you planing on not going to the toilet for a year

  8. itsyaboisknnypen1s

    what grit is that cracker? 100 grit?

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