Complimentary meal on a higher end Argentinian airline

by d4wnn


  1. ThePsychoKnot

    What am I looking at? A big slab of cheese and some cookies?

  2. General-Room-9608

    These cookies look like they will suck the moisture out of your body

  3. ShnickityShnoo

    Is that a slice of chair cushion insides?

  4. Jeramy_Jones

    If that’s a huge rice crispy square I might not even be mad.

  5. Notpoligenova

    Jeez has Aerolineas Argentinas fallen that far?

  6. merix1110

    Posts picture of food that looks strange to Americans.

    Doesn’t elaborate


    I am at a loss for what these are. I am very curious though.

  7. Crafty_Sprinkles7978

    Well, it looks like you got what you paid for…whatever the hell it is.

  8. Slaphappyfapman

    White bread no crust, and some biscuits

  9. FumetsuKuroi

    I’ve had those exact same cookies before, Frutigran, with raisins?

  10. TonyStewartsWildRide

    Looks like commercial freezer bag and r/poopfromabutt

  11. FieldOfFox

    You’re not supposed to eat the complimentary pillow

  12. Silver_County7374

    A brick of cocaine and a deformed pinecone?

  13. SpeedBlitzX

    Took me a while to realize that’s a sandwich with some stacked cookies on the right (or biscuits)

  14. shackbleep

    The cookies look like my poop when I don’t drink enough water.

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