Pepper jelly, peanut butter, cheese, kale, bell pepper, uncrustable on wheat bread. Honestly tastes delicious. Like crunchy, dry pad Thai.

by jadbronson


  1. NegativeBra1n

    I have never seen anything like this! Way to reach for the stars!

  2. Itsnottuna

    Something something could something something should

  3. nohopeforhomosapiens

    Damn they still make these?

    I had a roommate years ago who bought tons of them. You actually made it look edible lol

  4. Hallelujah33

    I feel like this should be reported to someone but I’m not sure who

  5. Glittering-Guest5318

    That is how Moses from the Bible split the red sea

  6. Possible_Abalone_846

    I’m more concerned about the combo of cheese and peanut butter. Is OP a golden retriever? 

  7. Fragrant-Employer-60

    A PBJ with lettuce sounds revolting but happy for you

  8. DavantRancher

    OP , this is criminal behavior. Turn your self over to the authorities.

  9. cheapwhiskeysnob

    Next time, make that and then put it in a bigger PB&J and then uncrustify that one.

  10. King_of_the_Goats

    What’s the yellow stuff on the bottom? Is that a pre-packaged slice of highly processed cheese like substance? Absolutely disgusting op.

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