I stopped myself in time, but I almost poured milk into the portafilter holder instead of the pitcher. Luckily the carton wasn’t full, because I had already started tipping it to pour when my brain finally kicked in.
Looks like soil with ant eggs
Perfect mountain
I use a manual grinder and some mornings I walk around while grinding. Well one morning I left a trail of coffee on the floor where I had been walking, not the best start but a nice smell everywhere 😀
lol I put ground coffee into the moccamaster after 4am. The cat woke up our eldest daughter first and then me at 3am. Turned out she had cornered a mouse and while we were frustrated at her waking us up she was equally frustrated with us for being such useless cats (she had to kill it herself despite fetching us). It was NOT the morning for complex tasks. But at least my bottomless portafilter arrived so maybe tomorrow I will have my act together.
Every time I clean the catch cup for my 078s and leave it to dry. Every time.
This hurts a lot since INDUSTRA.COFEE produces such excellent roasts.
Should’ve pointed that mirror at you to look at the face of disappointment. RIP to the coffee
For the avoidance of coubt of everyone in the comments saying RIP to the coffee… I did indeed salvage it and drink it.
I stopped myself in time, but I almost poured milk into the portafilter holder instead of the pitcher. Luckily the carton wasn’t full, because I had already started tipping it to pour when my brain finally kicked in.
Looks like soil with ant eggs
Perfect mountain
I use a manual grinder and some mornings I walk around while grinding. Well one morning I left a trail of coffee on the floor where I had been walking, not the best start but a nice smell everywhere 😀
lol I put ground coffee into the moccamaster after 4am. The cat woke up our eldest daughter first and then me at 3am. Turned out she had cornered a mouse and while we were frustrated at her waking us up she was equally frustrated with us for being such useless cats (she had to kill it herself despite fetching us). It was NOT the morning for complex tasks. But at least my bottomless portafilter arrived so maybe tomorrow I will have my act together.
Every time I clean the catch cup for my 078s and leave it to dry. Every time.
This hurts a lot since INDUSTRA.COFEE produces such excellent roasts.
Should’ve pointed that mirror at you to look at the face of disappointment. RIP to the coffee
For the avoidance of coubt of everyone in the comments saying RIP to the coffee… I did indeed salvage it and drink it.