Cookin up a very robust meaty boy!

by poopshipdestroyer34


  1. Walter_Stonkite

    From the look on his face, I’m pretty certain it will taste overwhelmingly of judgement and disapproval, no matter how you season it 😂

  2. Momiki789

    I recommend purrprika. And perhaps some rosemeowry.

  3. Shipzterns

    pretty sure hes asking to turn on the “keep warm” function

  4. shes_a_space_station

    Well, you know what *not* to add — that cat’s already salty as hell.

  5. cerevant

    I’ve seen this meme: “I am in ur cooker, warmin’ my butt in your noms”

  6. coffeeman6970

    Salt, onions, garlic, water, and a little catnip. ; )

  7. GoneToTheDawgz

    Make sure you serve with biscuits!

  8. upthemstairs

    Customary “Ugh, what’s with the liner?”

  9. MoistLarry

    There’s nothing you can do to overcome that level of salty

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