My fiance made chicken fettucine pasta red sauce, idk what exactly to call the sauce as it’s a mix of marinara, Indian style masalas (spices) and sauted veggies added to it but it was delicious!

by Gabriella-Mayhew


  1. translinguistic

    Things like putting masala in marinara sauce is the reason my girlfriend starts asking questions when I’m standing at the spice rack for too long, haha. My creativity doesn’t always pan out

  2. Rissy0902

    Looks delicious! Doesn’t need a name all that matters is that tastes good

  3. wildOldcheesecake

    Desi pasta! My mum did things like this growing up all the time. Still does. I can’t trust any western dish she makes because whilst it’s tasty, it always has Asian ingredients and spices in it haha

    This looks yummy

  4. JuWoolfie

    I love to make red meat sauce and then add kimchi at the end.

    The kimchi gives this wonderful zazzy kick to the meat sauce and the sauce tones down the spiceyness of the kimchi

    Fusion food is best food

  5. Visible_Rooster7117

    Now it’s obvious (in part) why the marriage is on the horizon. Congratulations on all levels! And yes, it does look amazing. 🙂

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