Wife wanted tri tip last night dinner, she also like medium. Little past medium

by Ok_Tell_7456


  1. 476user476

    Tried cooking tri tip a couple of times. Both times, I struggled with hitting temperature as thickness variations make it very challenging. It is a great tasting cut that might be a perfect candidate for sous vide and quick sear.

  2. KatFish2772

    Looks good, love a good tri tip. Try cutting across the grain on the next one it makes it so much more tender.

  3. Memento_Morrie

    Did you use a digital thermometer? If you say yes, I would be very surprised.

  4. sweetangelfun

    Tri-tip cooked just past medium is such a great choice, it keeps that perfect balance of juiciness and a slight crust. How did you season it? Did you go classic with salt and pepper, or add any special rub?

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