Dinner for days

by Jeramy_Jones


  1. bigsteaki

    this is what they feed prisoners at guantanamo bay and then claim its not a war crime.

  2. solo_dbd_player

    This reminds me of the first time I tried vodka.

  3. GuyFromLI747

    I used to run the zipper.. many a night something similar rained down from the heavens

  4. sprinklywinks


  5. This_Price_1783

    +1 for the infinite food hack, but doesn’t it degrade each time you spew it back up?


    I have literally ate this when I was young and starting out, like I actually recognise this dish. Bet it tastes nice.

  7. JeanSolo

    Ok but where’s the photo before you puked it?

  8. GiantA-629

    Looks like it has been in that pan for days

  9. Hoorainbaigblack

    I threw up in my mouth a little

  10. Intelligent-Chair385

    I don’t even know what this supposed to be

  11. SoftwareParking9695

    Not the worst kind of “shit in skillet” ive seen.

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