I like to keep pints of turkey breast on hand for easy sandwiches, salads, etc. I won’t buy turkey breast with “flavors” or preservatives. Anyone else like to can turkey meat and if so how do you like to source it? Photo of today’s turkey meat fresh out of the canner. After Thanksgiving I’ll definitely be scouting for sales on kosher breasts and seeing about turkey thighs.

by ink_well27


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  2. apparentlyintothis

    I haven’t canned meat yet, I’m just barely jumping out of water bath canning into pressure canning, but it’s something I’m definitely interested in

  3. jamesconnn

    I dont really can turkey but chicken and beef. If I am running low I just buy it at whatever price it is. If it dips for a sale I try to load up so I am good till the next time its on sale. It just seems like sale usually means the meat expires the next day.

  4. mckenner1122

    Local butcher shop. I like being on a first name basis with someone who understands my need for lamb kidneys, leaf lard, and hangars from well-raised local animals.

  5. TheRauk

    I am always curious about meat canners. For a small subsection with no electricity I get it. For the vast majority who have access to freezing, why would you can versus freeze? The difference in product quality is immense.

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