I made some Dorayaki

by uulhae


  1. xdibrahem_AR

    How did you make it? It looks so good! As if it’s out of the doraimon show

  2. Odd_Milk2921

    What are they filled with? I think i recognize bean paste

  3. Scared_Tax470

    Wait you made this?! They look amazing! I love dorayaki, do you have a recipe to share?

  4. Dazzling-Constant826

    They look so fluffy and good. The shiroan in particular looks very smooth.

  5. Curious_Koala_312

    That looks tasty! Doraemon will love these dorayakis.

  6. PetuniaPizzazz

    its look good and yummy ! when i saw it looks like doremon fav food lol!

  7. These look great. Is it more of a sweet jam taste?

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