Deviated from my normal ingredients today and used a thin cut pepperoni for a more authentic Italian flavor profile. My question to the group is how long the extraction target should be? At 50 seconds (18g coffee in) it was rather oily with 36g out. Any other adjustments I should be making?

by HumbleLife69


  1. somethingwellfunny

    18g in, 18g out in 30 seconds with the pep puck, the way Gaggia intended

  2. Rynaldo900

    What the hell am I looking at… the pepperoni is supposed to go on the bottom

  3. Unusually poke holes in the pepperoni to help with better infusion. Try sopresso salami cut at 1inch thickness. Adds depth.

  4. andrewrbat

    Ugh use chorizo. Might as well use a Keurig with pepperoni!

  5. xTehSpoderManx

    I think youre looking for r/espressocirclejerk

  6. Ok_House8881

    You only need that screen if you can’t tamp properly.

  7. InspectorMiserable37

    8/10. Missed opportunity to only show the first photo, forcing the “is…is that a pepperoni?” questions.

    Did chuckle though, way to let the intrusive thoughts win.

  8. MrVoldimort

    Now that’s taking the salami shot literally

  9. 16g in, 32g out. Cover with tomato paste & bake at 450.

  10. masala-kiwi

    Looks like you cut the pepperoni to fit the portafilter. Although it’s ideal to source a pepperoni sized correctly for your portafilter (a 58mm pepperoni fits a standard portafilter), you can use a large hole punch to quickly upgrade your workflow. Really helps when pulling back-to-back salami shots.

  11. forkman28

    That’s it, enough internet for today. G’night everyone!

  12. trinityiam72point5

    This post should be on blackmagicfuckery…Although I commend you wholeheartedly for the attempt at the Italian Roast fellow Redditor 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  13. You do know the salami shot isn’t made with actual salami right?

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