Smoked burgers at 180 for 2 hours, took them off then put them back on at 400 for two mins each side and this is the result… are these raw?? It’s my first time 🥺

by racc_takk


  1. AutoModerator

    Hey! It looks like you posted an image!

    If this is a photo of one of your cooks, maybe share the recipe and techniques
    used, as it’s almost guaranteed one of the first questions you will be asked!

    *What seasoning did you use?

    *How long did you cook it, and at what temperature?

    *Did you use any special tricks or techniques?

    Traeger on!

    *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Traeger) if you have any questions or concerns.*

  2. FallenShadow1993

    They look pretty pink not gonna lie

  3. Alfa911T

    You need to cook burgers fully imo unless your grinding the meat yourself. Burgers are best on high heat or even better with a nice flame

  4. Burgdawg

    Get a meat thermometer, and remove the doubt.

  5. Bigforsumthin

    You need a thermometer, that’s grilling 101. From there, determine how you like your burgers cooked and figure out the temperature range associated with that choice and it should be pretty simple from there

  6. MarsupialAltruistic1

    My smoked patties always have a red/pink color, even when fully cooked. It’s always so hard to tell by appearance. I always use a digital thermometer. And also I prefer 80/20

  7. cloudonius_maximus

    Oof. Them bad boys aren’t cooked. Gotta crank the smoker up and leave them in longer. Or if you are wanting some smoke infused burgers, smoke em low and sear them on a griddle.

  8. A skilled veterinarian could bring that cow back to life

  9. fightinirishpj

    This just confirms that Traegers suck for burgers.

  10. Xynthion

    I know the hole is ugly, but you should really be probing at least one of those. That is definitely not done. Smoking will leave a pink ring on the outside but not all the way through.

  11. rstonex

    I’ll eat near raw steak but not burgers like that. I’ll either use my Weber kettle or smash in a cast iron for burgers.

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