I think it was scooping the bagel for me….or the price tag.

by ubuwalker31


  1. FoggyLine

    What’s this deliciousness doing here?!

  2. If this is a crime I would demand a trial by jury and go for jury nullification.

  3. Amish_Warl0rd

    Here are the crimes:

    Sesame seeds (some of us are allergic)

    They removed parts of the inside of the bagel and put it back in the oven

    Bagel too big

    Sentence: idk, man

  4. img_of_a_hero

    Your title proves your post doesn’t belong here.

  5. specialneedsWRX

    This is my new religion, and I need to make the pilgrimage.

    Just checked the website. I’m ok with $95 for this. And I’ll only be about 2 hours away once I move in February.

  6. EfficientSeaweed

    Nah pizza bagels are allowed, even family sized. If we can accept bagel bites, we can accept this.

  7. PawelW007

    Not a crime. It’s not traditional but it’s beautiful and the ingredients are there.

  8. Feisty-Bunch4905

    If this is a crime then Bagel Bites are a crime, and I don’t want to live in that world.

  9. bindersfullofburgers

    When pizza’s on a bagel, you can eat pizza anytime.

  10. Stay_At_Home_Cat_Dad

    The pizza, and the garlic knots, not a crime. The price? $85? That’s a goddamn felony.

  11. SmokeMoreWorryLess

    It’s utter garbage, the worst offense I’ve seen. Please send to me for proper disposal.

  12. Sufficient_Score_824

    The only crime is that it’s so expensive!

  13. anonkebab

    Excessive olive oil but I’m taking that shit down like it’s a honeymoon

  14. git0ffmylawnm8

    It’s Utopia Bagels. Let em cook.

  15. WrecknballIndustries

    What in the f*ck is a beggool

  16. Low_Wall_7828

    It is pricey but everything looks made on site so No Crimes committed,

  17. lift_heavy64

    Sorry but I’d eat the fuck out of that

  18. Porkwarrior2

    Not a wood fired oven, not a real bagel, it’s a big bun.

    Still…not a crime. Or atleast vigilante justice needs to be served carrying out the sentence of destroying such a crime. Destruction by scarf.

  19. 3ntr0py_M0nst3r

    I would destroy that shamelessly

  20. SirDwayneCollins

    Basically a giant bagel bite. Not a crime

  21. DeadEnglishOfficial

    The price is the only crime I see.

  22. AfroFotografoOjo

    My hometown has a local bagel shop where all the bagels and pretzels are handmade and they have bagel pizzas (possibly pretzel pizzas on request) but they don’t make them on this scale.

    I see no crimes committed here

  23. razldazl333

    He said 85 bucks? Pass… I’ll just slop marinara on an English muffin with mozzarella, throw it in a toaster, and call it good.

  24. Regular_Chemical_626

    85 bucks, damn! You didn’t even mention getting the knots with it

  25. epicindifference

    $85? Wtf? Sure, I’d eat it but i wouldn’t pay that

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